Bringing Stories to LIfe
Each week, The Travel Log provides a snippet from our travels across North America and around the world. Each story is accompanied by photos that help bring the story to life.

Each page has five blog items. At the bottom of each summary page, you can get to the next series of items. And at the bottom of each story, you have a choice to go to the previous blog item, the next blog item, or to return to the summary page.


The blessing of a full fairing

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While Julie and I were on our way back from western Canada on our Honda Gold Wing, I noticed that something kept hitting my boots. I thought it was rocks from the highway, which was broken in places. But it was grasshoppers. A couple days later, during a conversation with another motorcyclist who had a much, much smaller windshield, I had reason to give thanks for the size of the full fairing on our Gold Wing motorcycle, and the protection it provides.
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